Booking Terms and Conditions

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These are terms and conditions on which Point A Hotels contracts with you. Your contract will be with the operating company of the relevant hotel as identified in the Schedule to these terms. These companies are collectively referred to as “Point A Hotels”. These terms and conditions apply when you book a room or any services at a Point A Hotel.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you make your booking with us. These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide services to you, how we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. You will be asked to confirm acceptance of these terms when you make a booking.

In some areas you will have different rights under these terms depending on whether you are a business or consumer. You are a consumer if:

  • You are an individual.
  • You are booking your stay with us wholly or mainly for your personal use (not for use in connection with your trade, business, craft or profession).
  1. Entering into a legally binding contract

    1. A contract between you and us will come into existence when you book a room with Point A Hotels and Point A Hotels receives payment from you.

    2. Point A Hotels will confirm the booking of a room, any additional services and receipt of payment by email to the address provide at the time of booking.  If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of booking, please contact us immediately.

    3. Before you book a room you should carefully check the details of your booking and these terms and conditions. Point A Hotels will not be liable for any losses which occur as a result of an error or omission in the details provide by you.

    4. You should keep a copy of these terms and conditions for your records.

  2. Rooms

    1. The price of the rooms are those shown at the time of your booking and are on a per room per night basis.  

    2. There are three available rates for each room, your right to amend, vary or cancel the booking will vary depending on the rate chosen as set out below:

      Flexible: By booking a Flexible rate you will be eligible to amend, vary or cancel your booking up to 2pm on the day of arrival. Save for the inclusion of further additional services, no amendments, variation or cancellation to the booking is allowed after 2pm on the day before your arrival. A valid credit card is required to secure the booking and full payment amount will not be taken at the time of booking. Payment will be taken on the day of arrival. If a cancellation is requested before 2pm on the day before your arrival, a full refund will be processed to the same card used at the time of payment.

      Saver: By booking a Saver rate you receive a discounted rate, but that booking and any additional services are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-amendable (save for the inclusion of further additional services).

      Semi Flex: By booking a semi flex rate you are not required to make prepayment at the time of booking, instead payment will be taken 7 days prior to your stay. You will be eligible to cancel free of charge up to 7 days prior to stay OR option to amend up to 24 Hrs prior (Please note there may be a rate supplement added depending on the new dates selected).

    3. At Point A Hotels, we do everything we can to make our hotels accessible to all. We have a number of wheelchair-accessible rooms, which are bigger than our standard rooms. We recognise that there is no single hotel design or layout that will entirely meet all individuals’ needs and preferences. If, during your stay, you feel that there is something we can do to assist you or make you more comfortable, please talk to our hotel team.

    4. You must be at least 18 years old to make a booking.

    5. You may only book a maximum of 9 rooms per night in each Point A Hotel.

    6. A booking involving ten or more rooms will be considered a Group Booking.

    7. You will not be able to make a Group booking through the website. To arrange a group booking please email and you will receive a reply within 24 hours Monday to Friday.

    8. For all Group Bookings, 50% of the booking fees will be required at the time of booking to secure the rooms. The remaining 50% of the booking fees will be due 28 days prior to arrival. These payments are non-refundable. You are able to cancel up to 10% of your total booked rooms, providing you give us 28 days’ notice prior to arrival, without penalty.

    9. Failure to pay the balance of any booking fees due 28 days prior to arrival will result in your booking being cancelled without a refund of any fees which have already been paid.

    10. The resale of any rooms or booking is strictly forbidden. If you advertise, resell or attempt to resell your booking (in whole or in part), Point A Hotels reserves the right to cancel the booking and retain any fees paid of that booking.
  1. Additional Services

    1. The rates given at the time of booking are for the room only.

    2. The following additional services may be purchased at the time of booking or on arrival at your hotel (subject to availability)
      > Breakfast;
      > Early Check In (from 12pm);
      > Late Check Out (until 2pm);

    3. Although Point A Hotels will try to accommodate any special requests, Point A Hotels cannot guarantee the availability of any particular room or service to meet that request.

  2. Payment
    1. Full payment for all rooms and any additional services shall be taken at the time of booking using a Debit or Credit Card.

    2. Point A Hotels do not accept payment by cheques.

  3. Behaviour and Use of the Room

    1. Unless an early check-in has been added to the booking, rooms are available at any time after 3pm on the date of arrival but please let your hotel know if you are likely to arrive after midnight (12am).

    2. If you fail to check in at the hotel by midnight (12am) on the day of your arrival and have not contacted us to confirm your late arrival or intention to still use a portion of your booking, then you will be deemed a non arrival. Accordingly your room will be released for the duration of your stay and may be booked by another guest. For the avoidance of doubt no refund will be due or given in these circumstances. 

    3. Unless a late check-out has been added to the booking, rooms must be vacated by 11am on the day of departure. Failure to vacate the room by this time will incur a late check-out charge.

    4. All guests who are not UK residents are required to provide photo ID as part of their check-in process. This is a legal requirement.

    5. Point A Hotel rooms are not designed to accommodate cots. Unless explicitly stated in the room description no cots will be permitted in the rooms.

    6. Children and young adults under the age of 18 are not permitted to stay in the hotel unless a parent or guardian is also staying in the hotel.

    7. During your stay with Point A Hotels you will not:

      1. Exceed the maximum stated room capacity (usually 2 people);

      2. Smoke anywhere inside any Point A Hotel including the smoking of e-cigarettes;

      3. Bring any pets onto Point A Hotel premises, with the exception of assistance dogs;

      4. Bring any potentially dangerous or hazardous materials or equipment onto Point A Hotel premises;

      5. Use any electrical appliances that may set off the fire alarm system, such as toasters, mini cookers or portable grills;

      6. Tamper with any fire alarms or emergency equipment;

      7. Remove, damage or destroy any Point A Hotels property;

      8. Use any of the technology provided by Point A Hotels to download or access any unlawful or obscene material; 

      9. Cause unreasonable disturbance to our other guests or any Point A Hotels team member.

    8. If you or other members of your group cause damage or loss of any kind to the hotel, other guests or their property, or otherwise breach any of these terms and conditions:

      1. You (as the person making the booking) will be responsible for that damage or loss and you shall be liable to pay to Point A Hotels on demand the amount required to make good or remedy such damage or loss;

      2. Point A Hotels reserves the right to cancel your booking with immediate effect and (if appropriate) ask you to leave the Point A Hotel premises;

      3. Point A Hotels reserves the right to retain all sums paid by you and/or charge you the full amount of your booking; and

      4. Point A Hotels reserves the right to refuse future bookings from you and/or refuse you entry or accommodation at any of our hotels.

Point A Hotels will not be liable for any refund or compensation in such circumstances.

  1. Cancellations & Refunds

    1. Your right to cancellation
      1. Where you amend, vary or cancel a booking in accordance with these terms and conditions and an additional fee is due, the amendments shall only take effect when payment is received for the additional fee.

      2. Where you amend, vary or cancel a booking in accordance with these terms and conditions and a full or partial refund is due, the applicable amount will be refunded to the card used to make the booking.

      3. These terms do not affect your statutory rights.

    2. Point A Hotels right to cancel

      1. Point A Hotels may cancel your booking at any time with immediate effect by giving you written notice (which includes notice by email) if you break the contract between us in any material way.

      2. If we cancel your booking where you are at fault, we reserve our legal rights in respect of your breach of contract.

      3. Point A Hotels may also cancel your booking if an event outside of our control (including industrial action, explosion, fire, flooding, and failure of power and/or water supplies or emergency evacuation) means that we are unable to make your room(s) available to you. In this case we will contact you to let you know as soon as possible and we will refund the monies you have paid in respect of your booking.

      4. Save as set out above, Point A Hotels will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations that is caused by an event outside of our control.

    3. Refunds will be processed to the same debit/credit card you used to make your booking and normally processed before 9am the next working day. However it may take a few days for the funds to return to your account.

  2. Data protection

    1. Any personal details provided by you at the time of booking or for the duration of you stay will be processed in accordance with Point A Hotels Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

    2. By providing your personal details to us at the time of booking or at any time during your stay you consent (on behalf of each member in your group) to the processing and use of the details in accordance with the Point A Hotels Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.

  3. Limitation of Liability

    1. Consumer contracts: If you are making the booking as a consumer, Point A Hotels liability to you is limited in accordance with Clauses 8.2 to 8.4 below.

    2. If Point A Hotels fails to comply with these terms and conditions, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer which is a foreseeable result of our breaking this contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill in providing the services. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen.

    3. Point A Hotels does not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

    4. As you are a consumer we are not liable for business losses. If you make the booking for any commercial or business purpose our liability to you will be limited as set out in Clauses 8.6 to 8.9 below.

    5. Point A Hotels’ total liability to you for all other losses arising under or in connection with any contract between us, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall be limited to the total sums paid for the booking unless the Hotel Proprietor’s Act applies, in which case our liability will be limited to the maximum prescribed under that Act.

    6. Business contracts: if you are making a booking either not as an individual or wholly or mainly for use in connection with your trade, business, craft or profession, Point A Hotels liability to you is limited in accordance with Clauses 8.7 to 8.9 below.

    7. Nothing in these terms shall limit or exclude our liability for:
      1. death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors (as applicable);
      2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
      3. breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982; and
      4. any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for us to exclude or restrict liability.
    8. Except to the extent expressly stated in Clause 8.6.3 all terms implied by sections 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and sections 3 to 5 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 are excluded.

    9. Subject to Clause 8.6:

      1. Point A Hotels shall not be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the booking; and
      2. Point A Hotels total liability to you for all other losses arising under or in connection with any contract between us, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall be limited to the total sums paid for the booking unless the Hotel Proprietor’s Act applies, in which case our liability will be limited to the maximum prescribed under that Act.

  4. Miscellaneous

    1. All prices given are inclusive of VAT (where applicable).

    2. Point A Hotels reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and you should therefore review the terms each time you make a booking. The terms and conditions which apply to your booking will be the terms and conditions in effect at the time you make (or amend) the booking.

    3. The obligations and duties which you owe under these terms and conditions can be enforced by Point A Hotels, Point A Hotels (Web) Limited, Queensway Hotels Limited or any of their franchisees, licensees, associates, subsidiaries or affiliates.

    4. Subject to clause 9.3, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 this contract is not intended to, and does not, give any other person who is not a party to it any right to enforce any of its provisions.

    5. Where you have any rights under any relevant consumer protection legislation, nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to affect those rights.

    6. These terms of use, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law.

    7. If you are a consumer you agree that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction. If you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland. We retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these terms and conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.

    8. If you are a business, you agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties.

    9. If any part of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid, illegal or for any reason unenforceable then that part will be deemed deleted and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts. Any failure by us to enforce our rights or remedies under these terms and conditions or otherwise shall not be construed as a waiver by us of those or any other rights or remedies.

    10. Promotions via our website cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. 

  5. Contacting each other

    1. Where we need to contact you, we will contact you using the email address provided at the time of booking.

    2. If you need to contact us or require any further information, then please email us using 

    3. Alternatively you can write to us at our registered office Point A Hotels, 3rd Floor, 247-249 Cromwell Road, London, SW5 9GA.

    4. Point A Hotels is part of the Queensway Group.

Schedule 1 – Operating Companies

Hotel Name and Address

Operating Company

Point A Hotel London Canary Wharf, 21 Hertsmere Road West, London E14 4BF

QMK Canary Wharf Ltd, company number 08778034

Point A Hotel Glasgow, 80 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 2EN

QMK Glasgow Ltd, company number 09958957

Point A Hotel London Liverpool Street, 13-15 Folgate St, London E1 6BX

QMK Liverpool Street Ltd, company number 07623619

Point A Hotel London King Cross, 324 Grays Inn Rd, Kings Cross, London WC1X 8BU

QMK Kx Ltd, company number 07737864

Point A Hotel London Paddington, 41 Praed St, London W2 1NR

QMK Paddington Ltd, company number 07833443

Point A Hotel London Shoreditch, 8-10 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4JH

QMK Shoreditch Ltd, company number 08829768

Point A Hotel London Westminster, 118-120 Westminster Bridge Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 7RW

QMK Westminster Ltd, company number 07295226

Point A Edinburgh, 152 Morrison Street, EH3 8EB

QMK Edinburgh Ltd,  company number 11688549

Point A Kensington, 42 West Cromwell Road, London


QMK Kensington Ltd, company number 11686703

Point A Dublin Parnell Street, 17-19 Moore Lane, Dublin 1

QMK Dublin Ltd, company number 617235

Number of Rooms

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